Marta Pedragosa


Nursing Service

  • Diploma in nursing for EUI Red Cross of Terrassa.
  • Postgraduate in surgical nursing. UB Bellvitge 2000.
  • Postgraduate degree in hospital management "The head of service as product manager" Pompeu Fabra University. 2013.

Complementary Training

  • Responsible for AMIQ's nursing service.
  • Head of the Major Outpatient Surgery Service at Quirón dexeus Hospital from 2013 to 2019.
  • Surgical Nurse

Work Experience

  • Course on nursing care of the surgical patient. Official College of Nursing
  • 11 surgical nursing seminar. hospital infection. Hospital del Mar. 2013
  • Conflict resolution and assertiveness techniques course. 2016
  • Integrated management of an excellent healthcare center


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